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What are people saying about our apps?

""eSpark loves Dexteria because it can be used effectively for blended learning (technology in the classroom) to enhance dexterity skills in young students. This app combines fun and instruction making it a powerful tool in any teacher's arsenal. The short repeatable exercises will keep students engaged and having fun while drastically improving their skills. Student's that struggle with fine motor-skills such as writing stand to gain greatly from the usage of this app in their classroom.""

- from Ross H. at eSparkLearning.com

"I am going to start right off and tell you that I LOVE this app (Dexteria Jr.)"

- from the 5-star review by TheiPhonemom.com

"I am a school OT and love this app [Dexteria]! My students play the pinching activity far longer than they will use tongs/clips to practice pinching."

- from an iTunes App Store review

"Outstanding app [Dexteria] and I highly recommend it. Children are very motivated to use it. I’m a Pediatric Occupational Therapist and I use it to work on fine motor integration, fine motor precision, hand exercises, handwriting, writing speed, etc."

- from an iTunes App Store review

"Dexteria is one of the mainstays in an OT's toolbox for teaching kids how to write. Why? Because it looks at learning to write from a developmental point of view. If kid's hands are not prepared to write- meaning the musculature is not there, then they can't control a writing utensil to form letters - Period. Dexteria has 2 games to develop hand skills before the third tracing the letters. The first game "Tap it", helps warm up the hand and introduces isolating the fingers, motor planning and sequencing.It's sort of like the light up memory game, but for fingers. The second game, "Pinch it" helps develop thumb and index control by picking up first little crabs that are stationary, and then stepping it up to moving targets. Finally, after giving the hands a brief wake up, tracing the letters are introduced. I love how every aspect of this app is thought out, from color schemes to activities. All modes can be translated to off screen games to refine these skills with real life manipulatives, which is the point of using an app for therapy.Recommended."

- from an iTunes App Store review

"All I can say is this [LetterReflex] is PERFECT for its market (mild to moderate dyslexia… to ANY kiddo working on differentiating Ps, Qs, Bs, and Ds). Going to add this to my recommended App List for sure. Already used it with my daughter (who struggles with mild dyslexia and ADD) and she LOVED it! Thank you for this app. SUCH a fun way to work on these problem letters!"

- from Brooke Olson @ iTaalk.org

"I'm an OT in schools and I LOVE this app [LetterReflex]! Great for kids with reversals. The kids like moving up to the next level as well."

- from an iTunes App Store review

"I found this app [P.O.V.] to be challenging enough to keep the interest of those of all ages! As an Occupational Therapist, I can see this app being the most beneficial for students and clients that I see young to old. This app is helpful and appropriate to assist with the completion of many therapeutic objectives. Thanks."

- from an iTunes App Store review

"As a pediatric and geriatric Occupational Therapist, I'm always looking for new apps to use with my patients to help improve visual perception, fine motor, and eye-hand coordination. This app [P.O.V.] really challenges spatial reasoning and is a wonderful tool."

- from an iTunes App Store review